company stock

TFP #062: Navigating Big Life Changes: Cal and Haley's Financial Plan

Life rarely stands still, and for Cal and Haley, the past year has been one of big transitions. As a financial advisor, I often work with families who are in the middle of major life changes and feeling the weight of financial uncertainty.

Let’s take a closer look at how we helped Cal and Haley navigate their shifting financial landscape—piece by piece.

TFP #046: Thinking In Bets

Read Time: 4 minutes

Welcome to the 46th edition of the Tech Financial Planning (TFP) newsletter.

I recently started the book Thinking In Bets by former pro poker player Annie Duke.

It’s not a book about poker, but about “how to get comfortable with uncertainty and make better decisions as a result.”

I love the sub title too - “Making Smarter Decisions When You Don’t Have All The Facts.”

Doesn’t that get down to the heart of financial planning?

We are trying to make good financial decisions today based on an unknown, uncertain future.

TFP #037: Covered Calls - A Case Study

Read Time: 4 minutes

Welcome to the 37th edition of the Tech Financial Planning (TFP) newsletter

If you have a big bunch of company stock, figuring out what to do with it can be paralyzing

While the textbook answer is to sell most (all) and diversify, that is easier said than done.

In this newsletter, we’ll break down a case study of how we are using covered calls to diversify a client’s holdings while generating thousands of dollars in income

TFP #009: Is Your Company Stock The Next Titanic?

Welcome to the 9th edition of the Tech Financial Planning (TFP) Newsletter

So you have a big chunk of money in your company stock.

Through hard work, good fortune, and some solid equity awards, you’ve built up a nice nest egg.

You’ve done well for yourself, so why should you sell (hint - the Titanic was supposed to be unsinkable)?

In this newsletter we will go over the real risk of concentrated positions, how to think about holding one, and some thoughts on selling.

TFP #003: Diamond Hands or Diversify?

So you just had some RSUs vest.

Should you sell and diversify or hold onto the stock (diamond hands - to the moon!)?

Enter the great financial planning mantra of “It depends.”

In this article we will go over some important considerations for your RSUs, some reasons you might diversify, and some reasons you might hold.