TFP #024: What Do I Need To Think About If I Get Laid Off?

Read Time: 1 minute

Welcome to the 24th edition of the Tech Financial Planning (TFP) newsletter.

2022 and 2023 have been brutal for tech employees - so far in 2023 there’s been nearly 150,000 people laid off.

Losing your job can be extremely stressful, both professionally, personally, and financially.

in this newsletter, we will share a checklist that covers key areas to consider if you or someone you care about loses their job.


  • Tech companies (both big and small) have been laying off like crazy in 2022 and 2023

  • If you lose your job, you have a number of key financial decisions to make

  • And if you have equity compensation, this is doubly true.

What Do I need to think about if I get laid off?

Getting laid off sucks, full stop.

On top of the stress and uncertainty, there are some big potential impacts to your finances.

Some of this includes:

  • Cash flow (like how long will your emergency fund last?)

  • Equity Compensation (like do you need to exercise stock options?)

  • Insurance (what’s your plan for health, life, and disability?)

  • Retirement accounts (what are you going to do with your old 401k?)

  • Financial planning (is there a way to take advantage of a potentially lower income year?)

Download the guide here (No Email Required)

What Do I Need To Think About If I Get Laid Off?


1. Connect with me on LinkedIn, where I post every weekday (unless I’m on vacation).

2. Subscribe to the “Tech Financial Planning” newsletter to get equity comp and financial planning strategies in your inbox every Saturday. It’s free: TFP Newsletter

3. Want one on one help? Schedule your Get To Know meeting