
TFP #060: Beyond The Baby Registry: A New Parent's Money Guide

One of the best parts of my job is watching our client’s families grow. This year alone, we've celebrated with no less than a dozen clients welcoming new babies - many of them first-time parents. And almost every time, amid the joy and excitement, they ask me the same crucial question:

"What should we be doing to prepare financially?"

Here's what most new parents get wrong:

They wing it.

Parenting? Yes - it’s a lot of improvisation and DoorDash at 11pm because your baby finally went to sleep.

But your family's financial foundation?

That's not something you want to piece together from the delivery apps in your phone.

If you're a new parent (or soon-to-be one), this guide will walk you through the five essential financial moves you need to consider. While each could be its own deep dive, consider this your starter roadmap for protecting your growing family.

TFP #049: How We Work With Clients

Read Time: 2 Minutes

Welcome to the 49th edition of the Tech Financial Planning (TFP) newsletter.

My typical client looks like this:

  • Tech employee with equity comp

  • Household income of $350k+ (potentially more once you factor in equity comp)

  • Good chance current / former Procore

  • Usually 1-2 kids (or planning on it) and probably a dog

  • High cost of living

  • Looking for someone to help them navigate all the complex planning that comes up.

Here are the 6 areas we cover for clients.

TFP #024: What Do I Need To Think About If I Get Laid Off?

Read Time: 1 minute

Welcome to the 24th edition of the Tech Financial Planning (TFP) newsletter.

2022 and 2023 have been brutal for tech employees - so far in 2023 there’s been nearly 150,000 people laid off.

Losing your job can be extremely stressful, both professionally, personally, and financially.

in this newsletter, we will share a checklist that covers key areas to consider if you or someone you care about loses their job.